50 years of connecting dots
Totally personal, perfectly honest and completely straight – 20 most intimate impressions, feelings, attitudes, thoughts… 20 of the most important… 20 life-lessons I have learned while growing up and becoming mature… the same 20 that make me who I am, both privately and professionally… on 20 posters… through letters and graphics… for 50 years of life.
Skroz lično, sasvim iskreno i potpuno otvoreno – 20 najintimnijih saznanja, osećanja, stavova, misli… najvažnijih 20 do kojih sam došao tokom odrastanja i sazrevanja, tokom života… onih 20 koji me karakterišu kao ličnost, privatno i profesionalno… na 20 plakata… kroz slova i grafiku… za 50 godina života.